Vacation rentals on platforms like Vrbo/HomeAway, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb now come with additional "service fees" ranging from 7% to 17% on top of the owners' rates. To avoid these fees, many people turn to social media and Craigslist for alternatives. Social media platforms, particularly Facebook groups dedicated to vacation rentals, have become a breeding ground for a prevalent scam known as "Look There But Pay Here."
Why vacation rentals are scam targets? What are the typical vacation rental scams? "Do"s and "Don't"s when looking to rent a vacation home. Safe and unsafe ways to pay for a vacation rental.
The Great Smoky Mountains is one of the few places in the United States where black bears can be found living in their natural habitat. While this certainly adds to the appeal of those who want to observe these animals from a safe distance in th...